Europe info

819 casinos
13,554 festivals and 97,521 events
156,601 total players
80,031 ranked players
$203,057,329,021 won since Apr 1, 1980


Malta info

6 casinos
201 festivals and 1,125 events
105 total players (6 ladies)
71 ranked players
$1,238,743,711 won since Nov 5, 1988


RangeGenderPlayer Country/RegionDate


PoY 2024

Mid-Major PoY 2024

Mid-Major PoY 2023

PoY 2023

#1074#1Corel Theuma 1,550.81 pts
#3657#2Brandon Mifsud 938.84 pts
#4125#3Clement Kerrien 886.81 pts
#4143#4Filip Lovric 884.47 pts
#7992#5Mark Vella 645.61 pts
#9174#6Joe "Maltese" Grech 601.35 pts
#9506#7Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 590.51 pts
#11148#8Matthew Micallef 541.99 pts
#12041#9Oliver Said 518.95 pts
#12178#10Karl Gialanze 515.96 pts
#13411#11Andrew Cutajar 487.08 pts
#19805#12Alessio La Francesca 376.44 pts
#21411#13Mark Attard 356.16 pts
#24409#14Jake Allen 322.19 pts
#26784#15Mark Berman 299.35 pts
#28492#16Andre Grech 284.36 pts
#28510#17James Mercieca 284.21 pts
#30794#18Michael Cauchi 265.93 pts
#31745#19Antonio Intravaia 259.41 pts
#33331#20Marc Schembri 248.38 pts
#38423#21Lawrence Bonnici 218.05 pts
#39433#22Benedikt Hausmann 212.76 pts
#39825#23Jonah Vella 210.71 pts
#41678#24Shaun Decesare 201.97 pts
#42828#25Arican Sukru 196.74 pts
#43176#26Andre Sorm 195.21 pts
#44197#27Thomas Lind 190.69 pts
#50237#28Aleksandar Stojadinovic 167.09 pts
#51784#29Christopher Grech 161.77 pts
#52573#30Ludovic Breau 159.09 pts
#53836#31Gaetano Montagno Castagnolo 155.28 pts
#55385#32Jonathan Briscoe White 150.46 pts
#55774#33Alessandro De Leo 149.34 pts
#59912#34Simon Forster 138.38 pts
#60082#35Pierre Azzopardi 137.95 pts
#62998#36Amir Assal 130.96 pts
#64103#37Emanuel Borg 128.36 pts
#66922#38Kenneth Borg 122.18 pts
#70013#39Emmanuel Mizzi 115.94 pts
#71308#40Antoine Degiorgio 113.37 pts
#71907#41Manfred Sierke 112.28 pts
#75700#42Jessica Dainoli 105.82 pts
#76244#43Pasquale Scarlino 104.89 pts
#79306#44Soeren Wagner 100.09 pts
#79849#45Srdan Milicevic 99.35 pts
#81559#46Brian Calleja 96.83 pts
#83554#47Andrew Valenzia 94.04 pts
#85622#48Mario Hubert Masson 91.31 pts
#86016#49Yannick Stollenwerk 90.70 pts
#86371#50Liwei Wang 90.24 pts
#86848#51Hays Antonin 89.65 pts
#89675#52Charlo AzzopardiMy Poker Squad86.09 pts
#91693#53Matthew Vella 83.75 pts
#95010#54Charles Mifsud 79.97 pts
#95856#55Tommaso Mozzini 79.06 pts
#96074#56Neville Grech 78.84 pts
#100169#57Thomas Aalbers 74.78 pts
#100207#58Emma Denise Oliver 74.74 pts
#103838#59Leon Alf Marlon 71.46 pts
#107952#60Andrea Stellato 67.90 pts
#108977#61Martin Smith 67.07 pts
#112012#62Evgeny Raul 64.79 pts
#112348#63Kevin Francica 64.51 pts
#112389#64Simon Ruckert 64.48 pts
#113326#65Raphael Toledo 63.75 pts
#113583#66Francesco Bonfigilo 63.56 pts
#115399#67Philip Rebscher Bastian 62.12 pts
#116250#68Jonathan Sammut 61.47 pts
#116800#69Thomas Gjoersvik 61.03 pts
#118077#70Hassan Nima 60.07 pts
#118243#71Alessandro Raimondi 59.94 pts
#118796#72Angelo Zammit 59.53 pts
#119778#73Eran Porath 58.79 pts
#120609#74Nicholas Osthus 58.20 pts
#121331#75Erik Peters 57.69 pts
#124728#76Francesco Bono 55.45 pts
#124932#77Giuseppe Grasso 55.32 pts
#125046#78Julian Micallef 55.25 pts
#126973#79Alistair Sparrow 54.00 pts
#127769#80Antonio Bencivenga 53.44 pts
#128649#81Valeriu Nistor 52.87 pts
#128735#82Michel Glansberg 52.84 pts
#129192#83Zuzanna Ciurzynska 52.56 pts
#129263#84Daniel Gatt 52.51 pts
#130508#85Rares Bodea 51.73 pts
#131956#86Sebastiano Spatola 50.84 pts
#132720#87Ernie Micallef 50.40 pts
#133494#88Valerio Oliva 49.94 pts
#134945#89Federico Dell'Arte 49.12 pts
#136089#90Christopher Agius 48.48 pts
#136452#91Josef Blazek 48.29 pts
#136818#92Guido Sanzione 48.08 pts
#143585#93Glen Saliba 44.53 pts
#147153#94Michael Asciak 42.80 pts
#150484#95Leon Gerada 41.36 pts
#150488#96Carlo Giardina Ruggero 41.36 pts
#151924#97Maxim Rabinovitch 40.77 pts
#153088#98Joseph Portelli 40.30 pts
#155248#99Ivo Marinov 39.47 pts
#155555#100Agostino Nasso 39.36 pts
PoY 2024MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#1555#1Corel Theuma 675.55 pts
#6677#2Joe "Maltese" Grech 321.35 pts
#6968#3Clement Kerrien 312.68 pts
#7534#4Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 296.18 pts
#8582#5Mark Vella 270.99 pts
#10288#6Alessio La Francesca 238.14 pts
#10828#7Andrew Cutajar 229.35 pts
#13349#8Filip Lovric 196.66 pts
#13828#9Oliver Said 191.23 pts
#14401#10Karl Gialanze 185.39 pts
#15037#11Mark Attard 179.39 pts
#18881#12Jake Allen 150.49 pts
#21050#13Lawrence Bonnici 137.42 pts
#21737#14Christopher Grech 133.69 pts
#24141#15Kenneth Borg 122.18 pts
#27150#16Brandon Mifsud 110.31 pts
#30449#17Srdan Milicevic 99.35 pts
#32227#18Simon Forster 93.93 pts
#32974#19Matthew Micallef 91.85 pts
#33372#20Yannick Stollenwerk 90.70 pts
#36198#21Matthew Vella 83.75 pts
#40699#22Thomas Aalbers 74.78 pts
#41284#23Emmanuel Mizzi 73.79 pts
#46691#24Leon Alf Marlon 65.04 pts
#47416#25Jessica Dainoli 63.78 pts
#47785#26James Mercieca 63.18 pts
#48738#27Gaetano Montagno Castagnolo 61.35 pts
#49418#28Alessandro Raimondi 59.94 pts
#49815#29Francesco Bonfigilo 59.18 pts
#50373#30Soeren Wagner 58.07 pts
#51920#31Francesco Bono 55.45 pts
#58952#32Neville Grech 46.16 pts
#60742#33Aleksandar Stojadinovic 44.40 pts
#65321#34Shaun Decesare 40.70 pts
#65726#35Raphael Toledo 40.44 pts
#66525#36Angelo Zammit 39.87 pts
#70852#37Che Nan 37.62 pts
#76056#38Ernie Micallef 35.45 pts
#76078#39Michael Cauchi 35.44 pts
#78007#40Amir Assal 34.80 pts
#79063#41Marilyn Dimech 34.45 pts
#80774#42Alejandro Marahona Izquierdo 33.93 pts
#81015#43Arican Sukru 33.85 pts
#81570#44Michael Tonna 33.71 pts
#83204#45Dalibor Brnas 33.22 pts
#86100#46Stefan Mitevski 32.38 pts
#86358#47Agostino Nasso 32.30 pts
#88067#48Emanuel Borg 31.80 pts
#88457#49James Marsala 31.70 pts
#89311#50Kevin Francica 31.37 pts
#89737#51Dalton Bezzina 31.20 pts
#91146#52Joann Dujardin 30.56 pts
Mid-Major PoY 2024MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#2269#1Corel Theuma 515.07 pts
#5805#2Joe "Maltese" Grech 321.35 pts
#6649#3Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 296.18 pts
#7670#4Mark Vella 270.99 pts
#9350#5Alessio La Francesca 238.14 pts
#9879#6Andrew Cutajar 229.35 pts
#12827#7Oliver Said 191.23 pts
#13390#8Karl Gialanze 185.39 pts
#14009#9Mark Attard 179.39 pts
#17795#10Jake Allen 150.49 pts
#19946#11Lawrence Bonnici 137.42 pts
#20613#12Christopher Grech 133.69 pts
#22964#13Kenneth Borg 122.18 pts
#25994#14Brandon Mifsud 110.31 pts
#29357#15Srdan Milicevic 99.35 pts
#30972#16Clement Kerrien 94.47 pts
#31172#17Simon Forster 93.93 pts
#31936#18Matthew Micallef 91.85 pts
#32340#19Yannick Stollenwerk 90.70 pts
#35205#20Matthew Vella 83.75 pts
#39746#21Thomas Aalbers 74.78 pts
#40338#22Emmanuel Mizzi 73.79 pts
#45770#23Leon Alf Marlon 65.04 pts
#46497#24Jessica Dainoli 63.78 pts
#46868#25James Mercieca 63.18 pts
#47830#26Gaetano Montagno Castagnolo 61.35 pts
#48517#27Alessandro Raimondi 59.94 pts
#48916#28Francesco Bonfigilo 59.18 pts
#49486#29Soeren Wagner 58.07 pts
#51043#30Francesco Bono 55.45 pts
#58120#31Neville Grech 46.16 pts
#59915#32Aleksandar Stojadinovic 44.40 pts
#64503#33Shaun Decesare 40.70 pts
#64909#34Raphael Toledo 40.44 pts
#65711#35Angelo Zammit 39.87 pts
#70039#36Che Nan 37.62 pts
#75261#37Ernie Micallef 35.45 pts
#75283#38Michael Cauchi 35.44 pts
#77214#39Amir Assal 34.80 pts
#78271#40Marilyn Dimech 34.45 pts
#79985#41Alejandro Marahona Izquierdo 33.93 pts
#80226#42Arican Sukru 33.85 pts
#80781#43Michael Tonna 33.71 pts
#82418#44Dalibor Brnas 33.22 pts
#85318#45Stefan Mitevski 32.38 pts
#85576#46Agostino Nasso 32.30 pts
#87293#47Emanuel Borg 31.80 pts
#87686#48James Marsala 31.70 pts
#88542#49Kevin Francica 31.37 pts
#88969#50Dalton Bezzina 31.20 pts
#90381#51Joann Dujardin 30.56 pts
Mid-Major PoY 2023MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#763#1Corel Theuma 1,420.93 pts
#3168#2Clement Kerrien 890.37 pts
#5067#3Brandon Mifsud 740.50 pts
#5510#4Karl Gialanze 714.56 pts
#12210#5Matthew Micallef 483.56 pts
#13550#6Oliver Said 447.66 pts
#13829#7Antonio Intravaia 441.06 pts
#13891#8Mark Vella 439.70 pts
#14762#9Joe "Maltese" Grech 420.84 pts
#15707#10Andre Grech 401.34 pts
#15929#11Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 397.32 pts
#17906#12Marc Schembri 362.55 pts
#19597#13Michael Cauchi 337.64 pts
#23374#14Mark Berman 290.83 pts
#24322#15Jonah Vella 280.95 pts
#24602#16Jonathan Briscoe White 278.29 pts
#25268#17James Mercieca 271.74 pts
#26741#18Arican Sukru 258.19 pts
#27054#19Alessandro De Leo 255.34 pts
#28293#20Jake Allen 244.97 pts
#30866#21Andrew Cutajar 226.03 pts
#31153#22Andre Sorm 224.18 pts
#31526#23Benedikt Hausmann 221.74 pts
#32907#24Mark Attard 213.33 pts
#35366#25Ludovic Breau 198.86 pts
#37575#26Shaun Decesare 187.87 pts
#42672#27Liwei Wang 165.84 pts
#43292#28Lawrence Bonnici 163.46 pts
#43926#29Antoine Degiorgio 161.09 pts
#44878#30Pierre Azzopardi 157.70 pts
#46530#31Thomas Lind 151.71 pts
#48446#32Manfred Sierke 145.77 pts
#49430#33Aleksandar Stojadinovic 142.77 pts
#54591#34Amir Assal 128.22 pts
#55711#35Emanuel Borg 125.39 pts
#55714#36Andrew Valenzia 125.39 pts
#56818#37Brian Calleja 122.80 pts
#58061#38Pasquale Scarlino 119.84 pts
#58197#39Hays Antonin 119.53 pts
#65504#40Tommaso Mozzini 105.41 pts
#68989#41Emma Denise Oliver 99.65 pts
#70989#42Nicholas Osthus 96.46 pts
#74846#43Andrea Stellato 90.54 pts
#76277#44Alessio La Francesca 88.59 pts
#77303#45Zuzanna Ciurzynska 87.27 pts
#79501#46Martin Smith 84.48 pts
#80860#47Philip Rebscher Bastian 82.83 pts
#82080#48Thomas Gjoersvik 81.37 pts
#83303#49Charles Mifsud 79.97 pts
#84773#50Eran Porath 78.39 pts
#86175#51Erik Peters 76.93 pts
#87214#52Simon Ruckert 75.83 pts
#89022#53Emmanuel Mizzi 74.04 pts
#89319#54Giuseppe Grasso 73.76 pts
#89430#55Julian Micallef 73.67 pts
#89751#56Jonathan Sammut 73.36 pts
#92082#57Antonio Bencivenga 71.25 pts
#92603#58Ivo Marinov 70.79 pts
#92961#59Valeriu Nistor 70.50 pts
#93550#60Daniel Gatt 70.02 pts
#95832#61Hassan Nima 68.02 pts
#96070#62Sebastiano Spatola 67.78 pts
#97488#63Valerio Oliva 66.59 pts
#97737#64George Vasallo 66.36 pts
#98076#65Alistair Sparrow 66.08 pts
#98619#66Federico Dell'Arte 65.49 pts
#99548#67Christopher Agius 64.64 pts
#100087#68Guido Sanzione 64.11 pts
#103765#69Michel Glansberg 60.09 pts
#104381#70Glen Saliba 59.38 pts
#104471#71Simon Forster 59.27 pts
#105354#72Raphael Toledo 58.27 pts
#106565#73Michael Asciak 57.06 pts
#106733#74Rares Bodea 56.93 pts
#107600#75Jessica Dainoli 56.05 pts
#108579#76Leon Gerada 55.14 pts
#108582#77Carlo Giardina Ruggero 55.14 pts
#109480#78Maxim Rabinovitch 54.35 pts
#110141#79Joseph Portelli 53.73 pts
#116469#80Charlo AzzopardiMy Poker Squad48.46 pts
#121834#81Marcin Szywala 45.15 pts
#123484#82Kevin Francica 44.19 pts
#126403#83James Houser 42.65 pts
#129668#84Liran Mantenka 41.19 pts
#134085#85Amir Brizman 39.55 pts
#136813#86Sergei Cutajar 38.66 pts
#139398#87Jason Grima 37.88 pts
#140715#88Marion Mizzi 37.51 pts
#140981#89Ernie Micallef 37.39 pts
#143656#90Leo Mathe 36.74 pts
#145022#91Jason Aquilina 36.42 pts
#146276#92Binjam Mesfin 36.12 pts
#153781#93Soeren Wagner 34.60 pts
#154397#94Stephen Caruana 34.48 pts
#157490#95Neville Grech 33.92 pts
#157652#96Anna Colley 33.90 pts
#158435#97Lukasz Bialkowski 33.73 pts
#168331#98Christopher Grech 31.99 pts
#169614#99Markou Volgko 31.71 pts
#171034#100Karl Soler 31.48 pts
PoY 2023MaltaPlayerTeamScore
#1037#1Corel Theuma 1,632.73 pts
#2921#2Brandon Mifsud 1,059.92 pts
#4215#3Clement Kerrien 890.37 pts
#4730#4Filip Lovric 843.53 pts
#6655#5Karl Gialanze 714.56 pts
#8666#6Matthew Micallef 627.80 pts
#14878#7Oliver Said 447.66 pts
#15159#8Antonio Intravaia 441.06 pts
#15224#9Mark Vella 439.70 pts
#16103#10Joe "Maltese" Grech 420.84 pts
#17080#11Andre Grech 401.34 pts
#17299#12Sascha "Faithhealer" Manns 397.32 pts
#19290#13Marc Schembri 362.55 pts
#20984#14Michael Cauchi 337.64 pts
#24831#15Mark Berman 290.83 pts
#25797#16Jonah Vella 280.95 pts
#26075#17Jonathan Briscoe White 278.29 pts
#26738#18James Mercieca 271.74 pts
#28248#19Arican Sukru 258.19 pts
#28565#20Alessandro De Leo 255.34 pts
#29845#21Jake Allen 244.97 pts
#32456#22Andrew Cutajar 226.03 pts
#32740#23Andre Sorm 224.18 pts
#33136#24Benedikt Hausmann 221.74 pts
#34526#25Mark Attard 213.33 pts
#37021#26Ludovic Breau 198.86 pts
#39243#27Shaun Decesare 187.87 pts
#44434#28Liwei Wang 165.84 pts
#45068#29Lawrence Bonnici 163.46 pts
#45715#30Antoine Degiorgio 161.09 pts
#46688#31Pierre Azzopardi 157.70 pts
#48371#32Thomas Lind 151.71 pts
#50331#33Manfred Sierke 145.77 pts
#51338#34Aleksandar Stojadinovic 142.77 pts
#56617#35Amir Assal 128.22 pts
#57773#36Emanuel Borg 125.39 pts
#57776#37Andrew Valenzia 125.39 pts
#58931#38Brian Calleja 122.80 pts
#60260#39Pasquale Scarlino 119.84 pts
#60399#40Hays Antonin 119.53 pts
#67617#41Tommaso Mozzini 105.41 pts
#71045#42Emma Denise Oliver 99.65 pts
#73000#43Nicholas Osthus 96.46 pts
#76769#44Andrea Stellato 90.54 pts
#78183#45Alessio La Francesca 88.59 pts
#79197#46Zuzanna Ciurzynska 87.27 pts
#81364#47Martin Smith 84.48 pts
#82705#48Philip Rebscher Bastian 82.83 pts
#83903#49Thomas Gjoersvik 81.37 pts
#85117#50Charles Mifsud 79.97 pts
#86572#51Eran Porath 78.39 pts
#87954#52Erik Peters 76.93 pts
#88979#53Simon Ruckert 75.83 pts
#90780#54Emmanuel Mizzi 74.04 pts
#91073#55Giuseppe Grasso 73.76 pts
#91184#56Julian Micallef 73.67 pts
#91503#57Jonathan Sammut 73.36 pts
#93808#58Antonio Bencivenga 71.25 pts
#94329#59Ivo Marinov 70.79 pts
#94683#60Valeriu Nistor 70.50 pts
#95269#61Daniel Gatt 70.02 pts
#97535#62Hassan Nima 68.02 pts
#97772#63Sebastiano Spatola 67.78 pts
#99181#64Valerio Oliva 66.59 pts
#99429#65George Vasallo 66.36 pts
#99768#66Alistair Sparrow 66.08 pts
#100307#67Federico Dell'Arte 65.49 pts
#101229#68Christopher Agius 64.64 pts
#101763#69Guido Sanzione 64.11 pts
#105421#70Michel Glansberg 60.09 pts
#106032#71Glen Saliba 59.38 pts
#106122#72Simon Forster 59.27 pts
#106995#73Raphael Toledo 58.27 pts
#108199#74Michael Asciak 57.06 pts
#108366#75Rares Bodea 56.93 pts
#109227#76Jessica Dainoli 56.05 pts
#110200#77Leon Gerada 55.14 pts
#110203#78Carlo Giardina Ruggero 55.14 pts
#111099#79Maxim Rabinovitch 54.35 pts
#111757#80Joseph Portelli 53.73 pts
#118055#81Charlo AzzopardiMy Poker Squad48.46 pts
#123389#82Marcin Szywala 45.15 pts
#125037#83Kevin Francica 44.19 pts
#127945#84James Houser 42.65 pts
#131201#85Liran Mantenka 41.19 pts
#135610#86Amir Brizman 39.55 pts
#138330#87Sergei Cutajar 38.66 pts
#140911#88Jason Grima 37.88 pts
#142223#89Marion Mizzi 37.51 pts
#142488#90Ernie Micallef 37.39 pts
#145157#91Leo Mathe 36.74 pts
#146519#92Jason Aquilina 36.42 pts
#147772#93Binjam Mesfin 36.12 pts
#155267#94Soeren Wagner 34.60 pts
#155879#95Stephen Caruana 34.48 pts
#158963#96Neville Grech 33.92 pts
#159124#97Anna Colley 33.90 pts
#159904#98Lukasz Bialkowski 33.73 pts
#169781#99Christopher Grech 31.99 pts
#171062#100Markou Volgko 31.71 pts